Thursday, March 19, 2009

Still Hurting All Over

Plan for today's workout was 4 or 5 miles with 1 or 2 at 5k race speed. Body issues all over still remaining from last weekend. But clearly feeling better than yesterday, it was good to just get moving yesterday.
Did the minimum run today because feeling pain in right plantar -which hasn't been there since about 6 weeks ago. Not the sharp fasciitis pain back near the heal, but actually in the arch of the foot, the meat of the plantar muscle. Not bad, but more like a small spasm of pain. Enough for me to take it a bit easy today.

I am giving myself an absolute deadline of 10 more days to decide about the marathon. Frankly, I've just about talked myself out of it. Postponement to the fall season is very easily rationalized given my string of minor set backs this winter.

4 miles today. 3 slow and one in the middle at 6:45 pace. Felt tired quickly at that pace. Saturday's 5k will most likely be 7:00 pace or just slightly faster. Maybe a 21:30 which is a minute slower than last year and est. 65% WAVA. Key is to not go out so damn fast. Control, with a little restraint too.

1 comment:

  1. from my experience i think it'd be better to enjoy your first marathon and not struggle/suffer through it. sure, it'll probably hurt no matter what, but with a solid training regime and avoiding injuries it would be a lot more enjoyable. (and probably faster) training through the summer is tough too, but at least you have more options/opportunities to cross-train if needed.

    hard to hold back in those pesky 5ks! i have yet to master that art. hope it went well?
