Friday, April 3, 2009

March '09 review

If you had asked me mid-month how was the marathon training going in March, chances are you'd have gotten a negative response. As late as the 25th I was making plans to abandon the spring marathon, find a fall target instead, and try to do something different with the remainder of the spring season. But it all turned around by the end of the month. Now I have finally found confidence that I can & will finish a marathon this spring season.

March 2009:
I had set the bar pretty damn high for March's goals: 100 miles total, with a long run of 15 and 16. Lose 5 pounds of fat. Make decision to register for VCM or postpone to the fall.

Total miles: 88 (that's 4 & half weeks)Avg. = 19.5 per week. 3rd month of weekly avg. increase and 88 is my highest month in several years.
Races: Haddonfield 5k - reasonably sucessful. Caesar Roday 1/2 marathon - very painful, difficult effort. Discovered that my fitness level isn't where I thought it might be. The time was within my goal range, but I just plain went out too fast and suffered mightily during the last few miles.
Long runs= 1x 15 miles & 1x 24 miles. 24 is my longest run ever by far. Convinced me that i can do a marathon with correct pacing.
Highlites: a couple of trail runs; a couple of USATF races; and that 24 miler will stick in my mind as one of my best runs ever of all time. Injuries are gone although i still feel nagging pains once in a while. Note: I didn't lose any weight, might have gained one pound.

April goals: I need to do 2 more 20 milers to be 100% ready for the marathon. Be smart about recovery, racing, diet. Must lose at least a few pounds. 100 miles total goal.

1 comment:

  1. hope your april has been going well, almost time for another month recap! i'm glad you didn't abandon the marathon, and hope your body is in agreement with the decision - certainly don't want any injuries!
