Well I finally paid the entry fee for my marathon. Almost too late, the race is like 89% sold out. I scanned through the registration list, there's not many folks from Del.
The only issue I see on the trip is that packet pick-up ends at 7 p.m. Saturday night, and I'll almost certainly be arriving later than that. The race day pick-up is until 7 a.m., with the start time 8 a.m. The pick-up looks to be about a half mile from the start area... sooooo, that will take some running around to make it work, but it's doable.
There's no way out now, I have a strong track record of running once I've paid the fee. I'm feeling pretty good about that!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
2 Miles to shake out the legs
Tried to run a few today, but really feeling sluggish. Wrote it down in the training log as 2 on the treadmill, had hoped for 4. Did a good stretch afterwards, stayed away from the weights but had the urge to go over there - which hasn't hit me in a while.
Pigged out on way too much for lunch & dinner. Not good. Tomorrow I start that diet for real. I've got to lose weight before the marathon. 55 days to race day!
Pigged out on way too much for lunch & dinner. Not good. Tomorrow I start that diet for real. I've got to lose weight before the marathon. 55 days to race day!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Legs = not bad
I was expecting my legs to be in rough shape today, but they're really not too bad. I was worse off than this 2 weeks ago after the Caesar Rodney half marathon. I'll head into the gym Tuesday for a few easy treadmill miles & stretch.
Here's the run-down on yesterday's effort, overall it's 24 miles @ 8:45 pace:
Ate good carbs Sat. nite, and got a good nite's sleep. Woke up to some caffeine, a dump, a shower, a Gu packet, and drinking half a bottle of water. Decided to def wear the new Brooks Glycerin's - hell it's the first time ever spending over $100 on shoes so I'd better put them to the test. They passed with flying colors! Greased up the toes pretty well, small concern about new shoes, have only run in them once, and wore them around the house a half day once also. I set out a whole smorgasbord on the bench on the front porch. If I hadn't already fallen behind schedule I would've taken a picture to post here. Several waters, Gatorades, Gu's, cereal bars and new pouch of trail mix. I was supposed to meet my neighbor in front of his house at 8... was about 10 mins. after when I got there (about a block & a half).
It was awesome to have somebody to to run with - thanks again to Ray for pacing me to a conversational pace for the first 6 miles. One of my big faults is going out too fast, and this long run seriously emphasized this error. These early miles went down smooth & easy:
1. 9:30
2. 9:07 - 18:37
3. 8:55 - 27:32
4. 8:43 - 36:15
5. 9:43 - 45:58
6. 8:53 - 54:51
That mile #5 included a 45 second walk/break for a Gu packet & water. I left Ray after #6 and tried to pick up the pace right away, although then the next mile has a significant uphill. The rain had started up again (beginning was wet but only foggy, not actually raining in early miles). All these middle miles were enjoyable; my confidence was building as each mile passed:
7. 8:35 - 1:03:26
8. 8:45 - 1:12:11
9. 8:05 - 1:20:16
10. 9:15 - 1:29:31
11. 8:42 - 1:38:13
12. 8:10 - 1:46:23
13. 8:36 - 1:54:59
14. 8:01 - 2:03:00
15. 8:45 - 2:11:45
16. 9:15 - 2:21:00
17. 8:01 - 2:29:01
18. 8:00 - 2:37:01
Miles # 10 & 16 each included about 45 seconds for water & Gu & about 1/3 of of cereal bar. I'm wondering how much credit to give these walk breaks which were timed to each loop around back to pass my house. Of course I've heard of the run/walk philosophy, which I've always thought that it's just not for me, so how might help could those breaks provide? I will have to experiment with this further in the next weeks/months prior to the marathon day. I also popped inside to grab a towel to dry my glasses, which at this point I could barely see thru the rain. The weather varied between mist/ light rain/ fog and the temp was either slowly climbing or my own exertion was beginning to send me thru cycles of too warm (take gloves off) then too cold (retrieve gloves, put back on). I only carried one Gu at a time, since I had the supply on the porch, so I had plenty of pocket room for gloves.
This next section I began to feel fatigue setting in, but was able to mostly hold pace and push thru. Every small uphill felt like it was taking something measurable out of me. My calves felt very heavy & tight on these uphill stretches. But after a few minutes on the flat or downhill I recovered. Also my right plantar/arch area was feeling pain off & on. My index toes on both feet were obviously taking a pounding...and they hadn't fully recovered from the C.R. half yet. Someplace around 17 or 18 I had to stop and loosen the laces on my right shoe because my feet were swelling and the right was becoming uncomfortable. Here's the final splits:
19. 8:31 - 2:45:32
20. 8:21 - 2:53:53
21. 9:25 - 3:03:18
22. 9:02 - 3:12:20
23. 8:25 - 3:20:45
24. 8:24 - 3:29:09
Mile #21 had the walk/Gu/drink break. Actually, this was a funny one. As I come to the porch a squirrel runs away and I didn't think much of it. But I knew there was no more Gu's out, so I was planning on the remainder of cereal bar and a handful of dried fruits from the trail mix (planned to pick out the nuts because i don't think they would sit well). So I reach for the cereal bar, and it's not there! And the trail mix is all torn open and spilled out... Apparently that squirrel had one hell of an awesome Sunday brunch on my front porch! I did see the cereal bar wrapper in the mulch down by the steps. I headed right inside to grab another Gu. So I never did test the dried fruit, will attempt that on a future workout. My kids already know that dad has a running battle with the squirrels, so this only adds fuel to the situation. Lately it's not been so bad, but about 2 years ago we were totally overrun with the critters. We had trapped and released about a dozen - moved over to the state park about a mile away.
Anyway, all during these last miles I was trying to do the mental math to figure 'What's my pace' and 'How far should I try for' and etc. I debated stopping at 21, and then again at 22. I considered going for the full 26 too. But in the end I settled on 24 because I had calculated that the total time would equal the BQ standard for my age= M45 is 3:30:59. So I was 2.2 miles short, and if I subtract out the walk breaks 3 mins + under time of about 1:45... bottom line is that I need to run 30 secs. per mile faster to BQ. That seems like a tall order especially given that the most important lesson learned here is to go out easy for the first miles. Unless some future training sessions indicate I can go faster, I'm giving up the BQ dream for this first marathon and will set the goal at 3:40 - 3:45 range instead.
Damn, that's a long list of mile splits! I've been eating anything & everything since finishing yestserday's long run. We'll see the bottom line about that tomorrow on the scale at the Y.
Here's the run-down on yesterday's effort, overall it's 24 miles @ 8:45 pace:
Ate good carbs Sat. nite, and got a good nite's sleep. Woke up to some caffeine, a dump, a shower, a Gu packet, and drinking half a bottle of water. Decided to def wear the new Brooks Glycerin's - hell it's the first time ever spending over $100 on shoes so I'd better put them to the test. They passed with flying colors! Greased up the toes pretty well, small concern about new shoes, have only run in them once, and wore them around the house a half day once also. I set out a whole smorgasbord on the bench on the front porch. If I hadn't already fallen behind schedule I would've taken a picture to post here. Several waters, Gatorades, Gu's, cereal bars and new pouch of trail mix. I was supposed to meet my neighbor in front of his house at 8... was about 10 mins. after when I got there (about a block & a half).
It was awesome to have somebody to to run with - thanks again to Ray for pacing me to a conversational pace for the first 6 miles. One of my big faults is going out too fast, and this long run seriously emphasized this error. These early miles went down smooth & easy:
1. 9:30
2. 9:07 - 18:37
3. 8:55 - 27:32
4. 8:43 - 36:15
5. 9:43 - 45:58
6. 8:53 - 54:51
That mile #5 included a 45 second walk/break for a Gu packet & water. I left Ray after #6 and tried to pick up the pace right away, although then the next mile has a significant uphill. The rain had started up again (beginning was wet but only foggy, not actually raining in early miles). All these middle miles were enjoyable; my confidence was building as each mile passed:
7. 8:35 - 1:03:26
8. 8:45 - 1:12:11
9. 8:05 - 1:20:16
10. 9:15 - 1:29:31
11. 8:42 - 1:38:13
12. 8:10 - 1:46:23
13. 8:36 - 1:54:59
14. 8:01 - 2:03:00
15. 8:45 - 2:11:45
16. 9:15 - 2:21:00
17. 8:01 - 2:29:01
18. 8:00 - 2:37:01
Miles # 10 & 16 each included about 45 seconds for water & Gu & about 1/3 of of cereal bar. I'm wondering how much credit to give these walk breaks which were timed to each loop around back to pass my house. Of course I've heard of the run/walk philosophy, which I've always thought that it's just not for me, so how might help could those breaks provide? I will have to experiment with this further in the next weeks/months prior to the marathon day. I also popped inside to grab a towel to dry my glasses, which at this point I could barely see thru the rain. The weather varied between mist/ light rain/ fog and the temp was either slowly climbing or my own exertion was beginning to send me thru cycles of too warm (take gloves off) then too cold (retrieve gloves, put back on). I only carried one Gu at a time, since I had the supply on the porch, so I had plenty of pocket room for gloves.
This next section I began to feel fatigue setting in, but was able to mostly hold pace and push thru. Every small uphill felt like it was taking something measurable out of me. My calves felt very heavy & tight on these uphill stretches. But after a few minutes on the flat or downhill I recovered. Also my right plantar/arch area was feeling pain off & on. My index toes on both feet were obviously taking a pounding...and they hadn't fully recovered from the C.R. half yet. Someplace around 17 or 18 I had to stop and loosen the laces on my right shoe because my feet were swelling and the right was becoming uncomfortable. Here's the final splits:
19. 8:31 - 2:45:32
20. 8:21 - 2:53:53
21. 9:25 - 3:03:18
22. 9:02 - 3:12:20
23. 8:25 - 3:20:45
24. 8:24 - 3:29:09
Mile #21 had the walk/Gu/drink break. Actually, this was a funny one. As I come to the porch a squirrel runs away and I didn't think much of it. But I knew there was no more Gu's out, so I was planning on the remainder of cereal bar and a handful of dried fruits from the trail mix (planned to pick out the nuts because i don't think they would sit well). So I reach for the cereal bar, and it's not there! And the trail mix is all torn open and spilled out... Apparently that squirrel had one hell of an awesome Sunday brunch on my front porch! I did see the cereal bar wrapper in the mulch down by the steps. I headed right inside to grab another Gu. So I never did test the dried fruit, will attempt that on a future workout. My kids already know that dad has a running battle with the squirrels, so this only adds fuel to the situation. Lately it's not been so bad, but about 2 years ago we were totally overrun with the critters. We had trapped and released about a dozen - moved over to the state park about a mile away.
Anyway, all during these last miles I was trying to do the mental math to figure 'What's my pace' and 'How far should I try for' and etc. I debated stopping at 21, and then again at 22. I considered going for the full 26 too. But in the end I settled on 24 because I had calculated that the total time would equal the BQ standard for my age= M45 is 3:30:59. So I was 2.2 miles short, and if I subtract out the walk breaks 3 mins + under time of about 1:45... bottom line is that I need to run 30 secs. per mile faster to BQ. That seems like a tall order especially given that the most important lesson learned here is to go out easy for the first miles. Unless some future training sessions indicate I can go faster, I'm giving up the BQ dream for this first marathon and will set the goal at 3:40 - 3:45 range instead.
Damn, that's a long list of mile splits! I've been eating anything & everything since finishing yestserday's long run. We'll see the bottom line about that tomorrow on the scale at the Y.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
First Ever 20 Miler...and 21, 22, 23, & 24 !!!
Wow, what a feeling to have a great day running. I was scheduled to run 16 - 18 for my long run this weekend. This was the absolute last chance to get my marathon schedule back on track. I was sort of dreading the whole thing. The last week or more I've been making plans on pushing the marathon back to the fall and focusing my spring season on a few PR attempts. But then there's days like today!
Big SHOUT OUT to my buddy Ray for pacing me on the first 6 miles. That sensible steady pace was a big part of feeling good for so many miles. As the miles went down I just felt fine and kept going & going. Amazing. I know I'll be paying for the effort over the next few days...thinking that the recovery may take 7-10 days or more. I can work with that. At the moment the worst of it seems to be general swelling/soreness in the R knee and the big toes on both feet took a brutal beating (both were already blackened from the half marathon). I was feeling a lot of tightness/strain the calves & arch/plantar areas, so we'll keep on eye on that.
The total time was 3:29 and change. Just happens to be under the BQ standard for me. Now I just have to figure a way to run an extra 2.2 miles inthe same time and I'll be all set. More details later, right now I've got to take a nap so I can get up in time to see the Tar Heels later this afternoon.
Later today: log into Vermont City Marathon website and register for the racE!
Big SHOUT OUT to my buddy Ray for pacing me on the first 6 miles. That sensible steady pace was a big part of feeling good for so many miles. As the miles went down I just felt fine and kept going & going. Amazing. I know I'll be paying for the effort over the next few days...thinking that the recovery may take 7-10 days or more. I can work with that. At the moment the worst of it seems to be general swelling/soreness in the R knee and the big toes on both feet took a brutal beating (both were already blackened from the half marathon). I was feeling a lot of tightness/strain the calves & arch/plantar areas, so we'll keep on eye on that.
The total time was 3:29 and change. Just happens to be under the BQ standard for me. Now I just have to figure a way to run an extra 2.2 miles inthe same time and I'll be all set. More details later, right now I've got to take a nap so I can get up in time to see the Tar Heels later this afternoon.
Later today: log into Vermont City Marathon website and register for the racE!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Power Surge
Today's schedule called for easy 4 miles, decided to do it on the treadmill so that I'd be sure to get a good stretch afterward. And stop for a big salad on the way back home.
About 10 or 12 minutes into the run I was feeling a ton of energy coming on. Weird - no tiredness left from C.R. now. And the tempo run on Wednesday somehow re-energized me. tried to contain my enthusiasm, but decided I could afford to do one fast one. Mile 3 = 6:30 and I was really wanting to do more but managed to slow it down and then also just do one more (total of 4). Stretch & no wts.
Feeling very good. But the real test is this Sunday. Got to do a 16 miler, better if I go the full 18 (or more?).
About 10 or 12 minutes into the run I was feeling a ton of energy coming on. Weird - no tiredness left from C.R. now. And the tempo run on Wednesday somehow re-energized me. tried to contain my enthusiasm, but decided I could afford to do one fast one. Mile 3 = 6:30 and I was really wanting to do more but managed to slow it down and then also just do one more (total of 4). Stretch & no wts.
Feeling very good. But the real test is this Sunday. Got to do a 16 miler, better if I go the full 18 (or more?).
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tempo Wednesday
Mid week works good for me to do my tempo runs. This was my key workout last year when gearing up for PR's.
The last chance for the spring marathon is this weekend's long run. It will have to go really very well for me to sign up for the marathon. VCMarathon is 60 days from today. Not a lot of time. I'm figuring that the dream is to be postponed to the fall season. Therefore I'm thinking about a half marathon PR attempt on April 26th, and a 5k PR attempt in May before the heat & humidity hits.
Thus the weekly tempo run has got to be implemented. Today was total 5 miles, 1 warm-up & 1 cool-down. The 3 in the middle were at 7:00 and felt not so bad. Next week I'll either add a forth, or cut the pace to 6:50 - or both if I'm feeling it. The first 10 mins definitely felt tougher than the last 10, so maybe I should do a longer w-up...may try that next week. I felt light on my feet when I stepped off the wheel - only a bit high, but a notable floating sensation. So I've got that at least, which is nice.
Generally, I'm feeling much better. The beating i took from the half marathon is finally healed... very long recovery this time. Nip is still tender, but much better. Weird how it's just the one side, I wonder if I run leaning to one side?? Diet news: the past 2 days have been good. The first back to back days since last fall. So far today I'm good too, just have to get thru dinner somehow!
The last chance for the spring marathon is this weekend's long run. It will have to go really very well for me to sign up for the marathon. VCMarathon is 60 days from today. Not a lot of time. I'm figuring that the dream is to be postponed to the fall season. Therefore I'm thinking about a half marathon PR attempt on April 26th, and a 5k PR attempt in May before the heat & humidity hits.
Thus the weekly tempo run has got to be implemented. Today was total 5 miles, 1 warm-up & 1 cool-down. The 3 in the middle were at 7:00 and felt not so bad. Next week I'll either add a forth, or cut the pace to 6:50 - or both if I'm feeling it. The first 10 mins definitely felt tougher than the last 10, so maybe I should do a longer w-up...may try that next week. I felt light on my feet when I stepped off the wheel - only a bit high, but a notable floating sensation. So I've got that at least, which is nice.
Generally, I'm feeling much better. The beating i took from the half marathon is finally healed... very long recovery this time. Nip is still tender, but much better. Weird how it's just the one side, I wonder if I run leaning to one side?? Diet news: the past 2 days have been good. The first back to back days since last fall. So far today I'm good too, just have to get thru dinner somehow!
good run,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Bluebird Run
I wanted to run trails today so that I could re-visit the "treasure hunt" location that my son & I found yesterday. More on that in a minute. Great weather, clear blue 'Carolina' sky, 12 noon, 45 degrees. Started from the trail head at Garden of Eden Rd. Took the first left so I could go up & over the mtn bike ramp - i dig cheap thrills!
I hit the correct turn off today for the R down tot he river. I've missed this several times over the winter ending up on the new gravel bike path which I don't like at all; however, the steeper downhill of this trail was interesting with lots of leaves covering it. At river road started towards Adam's dam first, then back upstream to Thompson's bridge. At the open meadow area near Adam's I saw what at first looked like a blue jay. But upon closer look it was a bluebird. Two in fact, flying together zig-zigging across my path in the bright sunshine. Very nice. Beautiful bright feathers, I suppose they're looking for a nesting sight along in there someplace...would be nice if somebody put a few boxes in there - I know they have numerous boxes on the other side of the river in the open fields.
The rest of the run: hawk flying above ridge over pine grove, same place i've seen before. A dead snake with head missing in Rocky Run meadow north. I moved it upside down into middle of trail...maybe a vulture will see it. But then further up the trail a dog off it's leash momentarily slowed me. I felt like spitting on the owner when he said "don't worry, he won't bite." F*ck these selfish bastards that let their dogs crap all over our park and interfere with other people's trail use.
Near the end of the run I detoured to the treasure area. I spent about 10 minutes re-inspecting the box & searching the nearby area for the addt'l boxes. Woods very quite. I hid the box a bit better so that it's still visible but you'll have to look more. I've found out that this is not actually a Geocache but rather it's a Letterbox. Who would know that? Only the folks that play these games. A nice Geocache lady, Michelle, told me to check the other website when there was no record of our box. Another nice lady, Suzanne, confirmed that the box is hers. It's one of four, plus the clues to bonus boxes - you have to get all 4 clues to figure location. Fun stuff, but a little pointless. I may take the boys back this weekend to search for the other boxes. Weekends have gotten soooo busy lately with little league practice, soccer, cub scouts, tennis, and I had races the last 2 weeks. You can read all about our "Into the Woods box #2" here.
I hit the correct turn off today for the R down tot he river. I've missed this several times over the winter ending up on the new gravel bike path which I don't like at all; however, the steeper downhill of this trail was interesting with lots of leaves covering it. At river road started towards Adam's dam first, then back upstream to Thompson's bridge. At the open meadow area near Adam's I saw what at first looked like a blue jay. But upon closer look it was a bluebird. Two in fact, flying together zig-zigging across my path in the bright sunshine. Very nice. Beautiful bright feathers, I suppose they're looking for a nesting sight along in there someplace...would be nice if somebody put a few boxes in there - I know they have numerous boxes on the other side of the river in the open fields.
The rest of the run: hawk flying above ridge over pine grove, same place i've seen before. A dead snake with head missing in Rocky Run meadow north. I moved it upside down into middle of trail...maybe a vulture will see it. But then further up the trail a dog off it's leash momentarily slowed me. I felt like spitting on the owner when he said "don't worry, he won't bite." F*ck these selfish bastards that let their dogs crap all over our park and interfere with other people's trail use.
Near the end of the run I detoured to the treasure area. I spent about 10 minutes re-inspecting the box & searching the nearby area for the addt'l boxes. Woods very quite. I hid the box a bit better so that it's still visible but you'll have to look more. I've found out that this is not actually a Geocache but rather it's a Letterbox. Who would know that? Only the folks that play these games. A nice Geocache lady, Michelle, told me to check the other website when there was no record of our box. Another nice lady, Suzanne, confirmed that the box is hers. It's one of four, plus the clues to bonus boxes - you have to get all 4 clues to figure location. Fun stuff, but a little pointless. I may take the boys back this weekend to search for the other boxes. Weekends have gotten soooo busy lately with little league practice, soccer, cub scouts, tennis, and I had races the last 2 weeks. You can read all about our "Into the Woods box #2" here.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Haddon 5k
No carpool up to this race, got there on time & without stress. Saw a few folks pre-race & did a warm up of about 1 mile. Did a Red Bull & Gu packet about 15 mins prior to start. Got back to start area a bit late, and Norm Green was nice enough to agreed to hold my hat during race...didn't want to just throw it away on the ground. Wore gloves, but temp wasn't feeling too cold by start time.
Started about 10 rows deep, which turned out to be about right. Went out fast, but under control and fell into my pace after initial 2 minute effort. A steady stream of runners passed me until about the 1 mile marker(passed @ 6:43) , from there on the field seemed to hold mostly steady. I eased up further on the uphill at the 1.75 - 2.0 mile marker (passed @ 6:56 / 13:39). A small group moved past me on this climb.
The "s-turn" by the school gave me a bit of renewed energy and I focused on staying with the folks just ahead of me. Back onto the long straight away toward the finish... I was feeling the tiredness set in and couldn't respond when a few more folks passed me. 3rd mile (6:49 / 20:28) just seems to last so long here since you can see for blocks ahead of you. Made a last ditch effort to pass a guy in the final 10 yards - he seemed surprised by the late surge! Haha.
Overall it's just about exactly what I predicted, 6:48 and 21:08 gun time. About 45 seconds slower than last year. 67.1 Wava score. Hung out, stayed late thru awards (club runners did really great). Here's a cut & paste from my club recap:
Our team had good participation at the Haddonfield, NJ Adrenaline 5k yesterday. The weather was perfect for racing - Temp 40 and clear blue sky. We had 11 runners compete in what I consider to be the fastest 5k in the Mid-Atlantic region. The race didn't disapoint - several club members took home age group awards, new PR's and/or cash winnings!
There was a buzz in the crowd that several national & world class athletes were running, including participants from last year's Olympic Marathon Trials and Beijing Olympics. The women's overall winner was Erin Donohue (http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/BIO/Athlete/7/220547.shtml) who is a local athlete who represented the USA at the Beijing Olympics (Race: 1500 m) last year. Her time yesterday - 16:09 - is amazing. Plus no other women were near her so I'd assume she might go faster if she had wanted to.
The men's overall winner was a Thomas Slowsky - somebody must've dared him to run under that name or else it's a classicly ironic runner's name! Time 14:47, and there was a total of 8 runner's under 15 minutes. Yikes, how do they do that?
Started about 10 rows deep, which turned out to be about right. Went out fast, but under control and fell into my pace after initial 2 minute effort. A steady stream of runners passed me until about the 1 mile marker(passed @ 6:43) , from there on the field seemed to hold mostly steady. I eased up further on the uphill at the 1.75 - 2.0 mile marker (passed @ 6:56 / 13:39). A small group moved past me on this climb.
The "s-turn" by the school gave me a bit of renewed energy and I focused on staying with the folks just ahead of me. Back onto the long straight away toward the finish... I was feeling the tiredness set in and couldn't respond when a few more folks passed me. 3rd mile (6:49 / 20:28) just seems to last so long here since you can see for blocks ahead of you. Made a last ditch effort to pass a guy in the final 10 yards - he seemed surprised by the late surge! Haha.
Overall it's just about exactly what I predicted, 6:48 and 21:08 gun time. About 45 seconds slower than last year. 67.1 Wava score. Hung out, stayed late thru awards (club runners did really great). Here's a cut & paste from my club recap:
Our team had good participation at the Haddonfield, NJ Adrenaline 5k yesterday. The weather was perfect for racing - Temp 40 and clear blue sky. We had 11 runners compete in what I consider to be the fastest 5k in the Mid-Atlantic region. The race didn't disapoint - several club members took home age group awards, new PR's and/or cash winnings!
There was a buzz in the crowd that several national & world class athletes were running, including participants from last year's Olympic Marathon Trials and Beijing Olympics. The women's overall winner was Erin Donohue (http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/ENG/BIO/Athlete/7/220547.shtml) who is a local athlete who represented the USA at the Beijing Olympics (Race: 1500 m) last year. Her time yesterday - 16:09 - is amazing. Plus no other women were near her so I'd assume she might go faster if she had wanted to.
The men's overall winner was a Thomas Slowsky - somebody must've dared him to run under that name or else it's a classicly ironic runner's name! Time 14:47, and there was a total of 8 runner's under 15 minutes. Yikes, how do they do that?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Still Hurting All Over
Plan for today's workout was 4 or 5 miles with 1 or 2 at 5k race speed. Body issues all over still remaining from last weekend. But clearly feeling better than yesterday, it was good to just get moving yesterday.
Did the minimum run today because feeling pain in right plantar -which hasn't been there since about 6 weeks ago. Not the sharp fasciitis pain back near the heal, but actually in the arch of the foot, the meat of the plantar muscle. Not bad, but more like a small spasm of pain. Enough for me to take it a bit easy today.
I am giving myself an absolute deadline of 10 more days to decide about the marathon. Frankly, I've just about talked myself out of it. Postponement to the fall season is very easily rationalized given my string of minor set backs this winter.
4 miles today. 3 slow and one in the middle at 6:45 pace. Felt tired quickly at that pace. Saturday's 5k will most likely be 7:00 pace or just slightly faster. Maybe a 21:30 which is a minute slower than last year and est. 65% WAVA. Key is to not go out so damn fast. Control, with a little restraint too.
Did the minimum run today because feeling pain in right plantar -which hasn't been there since about 6 weeks ago. Not the sharp fasciitis pain back near the heal, but actually in the arch of the foot, the meat of the plantar muscle. Not bad, but more like a small spasm of pain. Enough for me to take it a bit easy today.
I am giving myself an absolute deadline of 10 more days to decide about the marathon. Frankly, I've just about talked myself out of it. Postponement to the fall season is very easily rationalized given my string of minor set backs this winter.
4 miles today. 3 slow and one in the middle at 6:45 pace. Felt tired quickly at that pace. Saturday's 5k will most likely be 7:00 pace or just slightly faster. Maybe a 21:30 which is a minute slower than last year and est. 65% WAVA. Key is to not go out so damn fast. Control, with a little restraint too.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Shortest work-out ever
Yes, I know, I'm way behind on postings and have not even explained all the gory details of Sunday's 13.1 race; however, I'm a busy busy beaver over here.
Tried to go for a short easy run today at the Y, but my legs & entire body are sore all over. Worst of the pain is from my right nipple which pretty much got worn down to the nub. All those times I've heard/ read about nipple protection and yet I've never had any issues. I mean this is like my 8th half marathon, yet the first time experiencing this problem.
Wrote today down in the training log as one mile. One really is the loneliest number! Got a good stretch. Had a big salad for lunch. Feeling pretty good about life in general.
Tried to go for a short easy run today at the Y, but my legs & entire body are sore all over. Worst of the pain is from my right nipple which pretty much got worn down to the nub. All those times I've heard/ read about nipple protection and yet I've never had any issues. I mean this is like my 8th half marathon, yet the first time experiencing this problem.
Wrote today down in the training log as one mile. One really is the loneliest number! Got a good stretch. Had a big salad for lunch. Feeling pretty good about life in general.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Caesar Rodney Mug Shots
Here's a few shots of me on the morning of C.R. 1/2 marathon. Two are during the race, the other is while warming up before (although I'm pretty sure those other 3 runners were finishing the 5k event). The middle shot is at about 6 mile marker - I look focused. The last shot is at about mile 12.5 - you can see I'm looking tired. What you don't see is me contemplating just how in the hell am i going to get up that last big hill without walking? I didn't. Lost about a minute & 25 places on that final hill. UGH.






Caesar Rodney raceReport
This race is an example of what not to do on race morning. I'm sort-of disappointed with this race, but it's not too bad.
I know I'm smarter than this, but here's the list:
Woke up too early, could've used the rest/sleep.
Ate sugary snacks & caffeine too early, peaked before start, crashed during race. That's not good.
Went out too fast & didn't ease off the pace until too late into the race.
On the positive side, here's a few things that went well:
Finish time was within acceptable range (1:38:52 - I had expected to be in between 1:35 & 1:40; however, I wanted to be at 1:35, not 1:40-ish). This is my slowest ever on this course, and my slowest 1/2 since 1999.
I met a few new runners, and got to hang out & 'party' with a nice group of folks. Some I knew & some not. So that's always nice to be social.
I did 2 extra miles at the end and so completed my scheduled 15 miler as per plan.
I saw lots of people I knew before the race including Cheryl who was limping badly from a sprained ankle. She ran & finished -wow; gutsy! Maggie did the 5k - course has the same big hill at the end. Rudy, DeDave, Bruce, Norm, and the regular crew. I started right next to K.K. and had a chance to talk with her,,, nice to put a smile with the emails! Sara must've passed me in the final mile or two, but I didn't see her (she got a PR).
I did the first mile in 6:45 - way too fast even if it's downhill. I was still next to Kris (finished 1:31 and took herself an a.g. award). From there on it's a long list of the folks that said hello as they passed by me. David J (1:32), Christina Mc (1:33), Theresa (1:34:00 - my time from last year). This is in the order that they passed me on the course . . . DeDave (1:34), CJ Smarty (sub 1:30?) this was at the 3 mile marker. KelDrive @ 4 mm (1:33), Gene D (1:34). Then much later RayChris (1:36) at the 11 mm, then Sara b/w12 & 13 mm's (1:36:30PR).
My legs felt like meat & I was very exhausted the last few miles. I knew Rich & Rebel crew would be out at 12.5 mm - was sort of dreading having them see me this way. They gave me the business with "looking good" and "finish strong" but I'm sure they saw the pain on my face. Mags was at the next intersection and then Tom J at the base of the hill - I could hardly manage a smile for them as I chugged past. I wanted to walk on the flat leading to the final hill, but I kept moving. But then the hill itself had me beat before I got there. Mentally I was just so done. I went around the "S" turn before walking. Walked about 30-60 seconds. Seems like at least 25 (maybe 2x that #) passed me during this time. Reminded me of the first C.R. I did back in 2004. So many people passed me on the final hill that year...even though I was still 'running' albiet at my granny gear pace. I was in bad pain, my legs were rubbery lead boulders & wouldn't respond to any mental commands, but I forced myself to run again and finished totally in agony. Finish line picture shows my tongue hanging out! UGH.
Didn't realize it at the time but both #2 toes took a brutal beating and will probably be black & then fall off in the next month. Also my nips got absolutely raw, especially on the right side. Could be the new singlet (first time wearing). Also the weather is 35-40 degress with fog & lite rain/100% humidity. Recovered for a few mins, then jogged/walked the extra 2 to make it 15. Then over to after party at Jack & Kel's.
1. 6:45 - downhill
2. 7:15 - 14:00 small uphill
3. 7:02 - 21:02 small down
4. 7:11 - 28:13
5. 7:18 - 35:31 small uphill
6. 7:13 - 42:44 small down
7. 7:47 - 50:31 uphill
8. 7:59 - 58:30 uphill
9. 7:35 - 1:06:05 up, then flat
10. 7:37 - 1:13:42
11. 7:42 - 1:21:24 downhill
12. 8:04 - 1:29:28 down, then flat
13. 8:32 - 1:37:00 flat, then big final hill, walking
.1 :55 - 1:38:55
Like I said, the final time isn't so bad. But it's more the way I got there. Lots of pain from going out way too fast. Miles 6, 7, & 8 look about right, but all the other miles were too fast until you get to 11. Look at that: downhill & 7:42. That's where I lost it. Ray passed me at the bottom of that downhill, and then went on to finish 2 mins. faster than me. I was crashing & he was finishing strong. Then looking at split for mile 12 - I had popped.
Now I have to focus on marathon goal & recovery from this wipe-out!
I know I'm smarter than this, but here's the list:
Woke up too early, could've used the rest/sleep.
Ate sugary snacks & caffeine too early, peaked before start, crashed during race. That's not good.
Went out too fast & didn't ease off the pace until too late into the race.
On the positive side, here's a few things that went well:
Finish time was within acceptable range (1:38:52 - I had expected to be in between 1:35 & 1:40; however, I wanted to be at 1:35, not 1:40-ish). This is my slowest ever on this course, and my slowest 1/2 since 1999.
I met a few new runners, and got to hang out & 'party' with a nice group of folks. Some I knew & some not. So that's always nice to be social.
I did 2 extra miles at the end and so completed my scheduled 15 miler as per plan.
I saw lots of people I knew before the race including Cheryl who was limping badly from a sprained ankle. She ran & finished -wow; gutsy! Maggie did the 5k - course has the same big hill at the end. Rudy, DeDave, Bruce, Norm, and the regular crew. I started right next to K.K. and had a chance to talk with her,,, nice to put a smile with the emails! Sara must've passed me in the final mile or two, but I didn't see her (she got a PR).
I did the first mile in 6:45 - way too fast even if it's downhill. I was still next to Kris (finished 1:31 and took herself an a.g. award). From there on it's a long list of the folks that said hello as they passed by me. David J (1:32), Christina Mc (1:33), Theresa (1:34:00 - my time from last year). This is in the order that they passed me on the course . . . DeDave (1:34), CJ Smarty (sub 1:30?) this was at the 3 mile marker. KelDrive @ 4 mm (1:33), Gene D (1:34). Then much later RayChris (1:36) at the 11 mm, then Sara b/w12 & 13 mm's (1:36:30PR).
My legs felt like meat & I was very exhausted the last few miles. I knew Rich & Rebel crew would be out at 12.5 mm - was sort of dreading having them see me this way. They gave me the business with "looking good" and "finish strong" but I'm sure they saw the pain on my face. Mags was at the next intersection and then Tom J at the base of the hill - I could hardly manage a smile for them as I chugged past. I wanted to walk on the flat leading to the final hill, but I kept moving. But then the hill itself had me beat before I got there. Mentally I was just so done. I went around the "S" turn before walking. Walked about 30-60 seconds. Seems like at least 25 (maybe 2x that #) passed me during this time. Reminded me of the first C.R. I did back in 2004. So many people passed me on the final hill that year...even though I was still 'running' albiet at my granny gear pace. I was in bad pain, my legs were rubbery lead boulders & wouldn't respond to any mental commands, but I forced myself to run again and finished totally in agony. Finish line picture shows my tongue hanging out! UGH.
Didn't realize it at the time but both #2 toes took a brutal beating and will probably be black & then fall off in the next month. Also my nips got absolutely raw, especially on the right side. Could be the new singlet (first time wearing). Also the weather is 35-40 degress with fog & lite rain/100% humidity. Recovered for a few mins, then jogged/walked the extra 2 to make it 15. Then over to after party at Jack & Kel's.
1. 6:45 - downhill
2. 7:15 - 14:00 small uphill
3. 7:02 - 21:02 small down
4. 7:11 - 28:13
5. 7:18 - 35:31 small uphill
6. 7:13 - 42:44 small down
7. 7:47 - 50:31 uphill
8. 7:59 - 58:30 uphill
9. 7:35 - 1:06:05 up, then flat
10. 7:37 - 1:13:42
11. 7:42 - 1:21:24 downhill
12. 8:04 - 1:29:28 down, then flat
13. 8:32 - 1:37:00 flat, then big final hill, walking
.1 :55 - 1:38:55
Like I said, the final time isn't so bad. But it's more the way I got there. Lots of pain from going out way too fast. Miles 6, 7, & 8 look about right, but all the other miles were too fast until you get to 11. Look at that: downhill & 7:42. That's where I lost it. Ray passed me at the bottom of that downhill, and then went on to finish 2 mins. faster than me. I was crashing & he was finishing strong. Then looking at split for mile 12 - I had popped.
Now I have to focus on marathon goal & recovery from this wipe-out!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Nearly time to shit or get off the pot
Very busy boy here, got to keep this short & quick: Treadmill at Y today, 5 miles total. Tempo run, middle 3 run at 7:02 - 7:09 - 7:15 and then a good stretch but no weights or other exercises afterward. Effort felt easier than a few weeks ago - pretty much the same time.
The half marathon this weekend is quite the talk of the town. Mostly everyone from club is running, and apparently plenty of other folks too. Several guys at the Y were talking about it today. Good luck to all - I know this won't be one of my faster races, but I'm really looking forward to it since my leg is done hurting. may never know what that was all about. Marathon is now 75 days away - nearly time for me to shit or get off the pot.
Pasta party the nite before: http://www.rebelrunners.com/06cr.php
Course elevation: this isn't great/accurate. the finish is actually about 20-25 feet higher than the start. But this gives a sense of the climbing between miles 6.5 thru 8.5 - steady uphill: http://www.races2run.com/CRcourse-elevation/CR2009.htm
There's already over 1,000 runners signed up and the forecaste is good weather (40-45 degrees at start, cloudy w/no rain). I see runners from far away across America coming to Wilmington for this one: https://www.lin-mark.us/page.asp?prmName=viewentrants&prmEventID=89
The half marathon this weekend is quite the talk of the town. Mostly everyone from club is running, and apparently plenty of other folks too. Several guys at the Y were talking about it today. Good luck to all - I know this won't be one of my faster races, but I'm really looking forward to it since my leg is done hurting. may never know what that was all about. Marathon is now 75 days away - nearly time for me to shit or get off the pot.
Pasta party the nite before: http://www.rebelrunners.com/06cr.php
Course elevation: this isn't great/accurate. the finish is actually about 20-25 feet higher than the start. But this gives a sense of the climbing between miles 6.5 thru 8.5 - steady uphill: http://www.races2run.com/CRcourse-elevation/CR2009.htm
There's already over 1,000 runners signed up and the forecaste is good weather (40-45 degrees at start, cloudy w/no rain). I see runners from far away across America coming to Wilmington for this one: https://www.lin-mark.us/page.asp?prmName=viewentrants&prmEventID=89
Monday, March 9, 2009
Seeing Trails
Monday trail run felt like a good choice today, great weather for a run, not too wet, 45 & sunny breezy.
Started at JCC trailhead, decided on the fly to go down the right turn-blue/Friday- trail instead leaving it for uphill ending. That first downhill is steep, creek cross no problem, downhill through meadow = nice. End to end on the flat river section then started back up on the other side of the creek. Stopped & went back to take a side trail I've never been on before, it's a good day for exploring, wind is not a factor in the woods. Nice trail, used by bikes, saw hunting stand, there's a few logs to jump. This must parallel the blue/Friday but it's on the bottom of the ridge and more alongside the creek...sure enough, it bring me to the bottom of the blue/Friday hill so I do get to go up this one today afterall. This hill is a beast.
Made it back out to the car, I'm calling this 6 - intended to run 5 - but it might actually be a bit short. I need that Garmin 305! 55 mins. Went over to the Y for a stretch.
Started at JCC trailhead, decided on the fly to go down the right turn-blue/Friday- trail instead leaving it for uphill ending. That first downhill is steep, creek cross no problem, downhill through meadow = nice. End to end on the flat river section then started back up on the other side of the creek. Stopped & went back to take a side trail I've never been on before, it's a good day for exploring, wind is not a factor in the woods. Nice trail, used by bikes, saw hunting stand, there's a few logs to jump. This must parallel the blue/Friday but it's on the bottom of the ridge and more alongside the creek...sure enough, it bring me to the bottom of the blue/Friday hill so I do get to go up this one today afterall. This hill is a beast.
Made it back out to the car, I'm calling this 6 - intended to run 5 - but it might actually be a bit short. I need that Garmin 305! 55 mins. Went over to the Y for a stretch.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Over Hill, Over Dale
Ugh, time to put the up's & down's into print:
February 2009:
The goal at the outset of this month was base building increase of mileage with low intensity. Transition to end weight lifting program & begin the dieting. Had hoped for 90 total miles with at least one long run of 13.
Total miles: 68 (less than prior month, but only 28 days)
Avg. = 17 per week.
No races, although I signed up for Ugly Mudder day of race and then couldn't run (injury).
Long runs= 1x 11 miles & 1x 14 miles.
Highlites/Low: Two good long runs, one trails & one roads. PF totally gone now. Added a bit of speed play into the workouts.
weight - gained 2 #; new injury, tendonitis?; generally a very up & down month in weekly mileage, mental state of mind, and physically. Springtime marathon goal is in jeopardy if I encounter any more set backs.
March goals: I have to try for 100 miles - seems like a stretch! Keep intensity low except for half marathon race mid month. Long runs need to hit a 15 & a 16. DIET - need to lose winter fat...goal to drop 5 pounds by the 31st. Need to register for Vermont City, or delay marathon race to the fall season.
February 2009:
The goal at the outset of this month was base building increase of mileage with low intensity. Transition to end weight lifting program & begin the dieting. Had hoped for 90 total miles with at least one long run of 13.
Total miles: 68 (less than prior month, but only 28 days)
Avg. = 17 per week.
No races, although I signed up for Ugly Mudder day of race and then couldn't run (injury).
Long runs= 1x 11 miles & 1x 14 miles.
Highlites/Low: Two good long runs, one trails & one roads. PF totally gone now. Added a bit of speed play into the workouts.
weight - gained 2 #; new injury, tendonitis?; generally a very up & down month in weekly mileage, mental state of mind, and physically. Springtime marathon goal is in jeopardy if I encounter any more set backs.
March goals: I have to try for 100 miles - seems like a stretch! Keep intensity low except for half marathon race mid month. Long runs need to hit a 15 & a 16. DIET - need to lose winter fat...goal to drop 5 pounds by the 31st. Need to register for Vermont City, or delay marathon race to the fall season.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sadly, new 'Reverse' diet going very well
Over the course of the last 3 weeks I was supposed to lose 3 pounds; instead I gained 3. Obviously I have no advantage from being my own worst enemy.
A friend has pointed out my lack of blog postings, the reasons have been busy schedule & feeling blue because of my crappy running.
First, and worst, I am injured. Sort-of...maybe. About 10 days ago I did a 14 miler (yea!) and felt a new 'minor' pain in my lower left leg. Then the next day I went out to run a few easy miles and the pain was very sharp and I had to cut it short & just walk it in. Second issue: been very busy and something had to give so it was the blog. bummer.
I've had a cold (second one) which is now a sinus infection with the harsh headache. This is the first winter with 2 colds in many years (since kids were toddlers). Both colds came on after long runs in frigid temps... so obviously I need to do a better job bolstering my immunity & I think lack of sleep (stress) and nutrition (poor) have played a role too.
Today has been my first really good running day in a while.
1. ran 4 miles - pain free for the first time in a week & a half.
2. catching up on all sorts of stuff...blog reading & writing coming soon. We had kids home 2 days from school due to snow, about 6 inches but the roads were still very icy the second morning. Fun sledding, etc. but absolutely killing my 'easy' week where I'm supoosed to get stuff done.
How have you been? Running, work, life? I read your post on M&M's recently. Believe me, your eating habits are fine compared to my total pig out the last few weeks. I've been kind of stressed, and on top then add depressed about marathon goal slipping away because of new injury. I tend to consume mass quantities when under pressure and/or feeling sorry for myself, so therefore i've been totally gluttonous recently!
Maybe I can get back onto the training plan, it's not too late yet, but time is slipping away. It's a week & a half to my half marathon race. I already paid that entry fee. I have not registered for the VCmarathon yet, they are approximately 60% sold out. I have no idea where my fitness level is right now. I want to race the half, but it's a dicey proposition with the new leg pain. I'm feeling like I should coast into this first race of the season, then if I come out of it healthy I will ramp up the training again. If I encounter any more obstacles then the May marathon just isn't going to happen (and I'll look to the fall season instead).
A friend has pointed out my lack of blog postings, the reasons have been busy schedule & feeling blue because of my crappy running.
First, and worst, I am injured. Sort-of...maybe. About 10 days ago I did a 14 miler (yea!) and felt a new 'minor' pain in my lower left leg. Then the next day I went out to run a few easy miles and the pain was very sharp and I had to cut it short & just walk it in. Second issue: been very busy and something had to give so it was the blog. bummer.
I've had a cold (second one) which is now a sinus infection with the harsh headache. This is the first winter with 2 colds in many years (since kids were toddlers). Both colds came on after long runs in frigid temps... so obviously I need to do a better job bolstering my immunity & I think lack of sleep (stress) and nutrition (poor) have played a role too.
Today has been my first really good running day in a while.
1. ran 4 miles - pain free for the first time in a week & a half.
2. catching up on all sorts of stuff...blog reading & writing coming soon. We had kids home 2 days from school due to snow, about 6 inches but the roads were still very icy the second morning. Fun sledding, etc. but absolutely killing my 'easy' week where I'm supoosed to get stuff done.
How have you been? Running, work, life? I read your post on M&M's recently. Believe me, your eating habits are fine compared to my total pig out the last few weeks. I've been kind of stressed, and on top then add depressed about marathon goal slipping away because of new injury. I tend to consume mass quantities when under pressure and/or feeling sorry for myself, so therefore i've been totally gluttonous recently!
Maybe I can get back onto the training plan, it's not too late yet, but time is slipping away. It's a week & a half to my half marathon race. I already paid that entry fee. I have not registered for the VCmarathon yet, they are approximately 60% sold out. I have no idea where my fitness level is right now. I want to race the half, but it's a dicey proposition with the new leg pain. I'm feeling like I should coast into this first race of the season, then if I come out of it healthy I will ramp up the training again. If I encounter any more obstacles then the May marathon just isn't going to happen (and I'll look to the fall season instead).
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