Monday, March 23, 2009

Bluebird Run

I wanted to run trails today so that I could re-visit the "treasure hunt" location that my son & I found yesterday. More on that in a minute. Great weather, clear blue 'Carolina' sky, 12 noon, 45 degrees. Started from the trail head at Garden of Eden Rd. Took the first left so I could go up & over the mtn bike ramp - i dig cheap thrills!

I hit the correct turn off today for the R down tot he river. I've missed this several times over the winter ending up on the new gravel bike path which I don't like at all; however, the steeper downhill of this trail was interesting with lots of leaves covering it. At river road started towards Adam's dam first, then back upstream to Thompson's bridge. At the open meadow area near Adam's I saw what at first looked like a blue jay. But upon closer look it was a bluebird. Two in fact, flying together zig-zigging across my path in the bright sunshine. Very nice. Beautiful bright feathers, I suppose they're looking for a nesting sight along in there someplace...would be nice if somebody put a few boxes in there - I know they have numerous boxes on the other side of the river in the open fields.

The rest of the run: hawk flying above ridge over pine grove, same place i've seen before. A dead snake with head missing in Rocky Run meadow north. I moved it upside down into middle of trail...maybe a vulture will see it. But then further up the trail a dog off it's leash momentarily slowed me. I felt like spitting on the owner when he said "don't worry, he won't bite." F*ck these selfish bastards that let their dogs crap all over our park and interfere with other people's trail use.

Near the end of the run I detoured to the treasure area. I spent about 10 minutes re-inspecting the box & searching the nearby area for the addt'l boxes. Woods very quite. I hid the box a bit better so that it's still visible but you'll have to look more. I've found out that this is not actually a Geocache but rather it's a Letterbox. Who would know that? Only the folks that play these games. A nice Geocache lady, Michelle, told me to check the other website when there was no record of our box. Another nice lady, Suzanne, confirmed that the box is hers. It's one of four, plus the clues to bonus boxes - you have to get all 4 clues to figure location. Fun stuff, but a little pointless. I may take the boys back this weekend to search for the other boxes. Weekends have gotten soooo busy lately with little league practice, soccer, cub scouts, tennis, and I had races the last 2 weeks. You can read all about our "Into the Woods box #2" here.

1 comment:

  1. hopefully the dog owner was at least picking up after his pup? but who knows. that is my least favorite thing about dog owners...

    my friend has done some geocaching and it sounds cool but i've never tried it myself. glad you and your sons are enjoying the activity!
