Friday, March 6, 2009

Over Hill, Over Dale

Ugh, time to put the up's & down's into print:
February 2009:
The goal at the outset of this month was base building increase of mileage with low intensity. Transition to end weight lifting program & begin the dieting. Had hoped for 90 total miles with at least one long run of 13.

Total miles: 68 (less than prior month, but only 28 days)
Avg. = 17 per week.
No races, although I signed up for Ugly Mudder day of race and then couldn't run (injury).
Long runs= 1x 11 miles & 1x 14 miles.

Highlites/Low: Two good long runs, one trails & one roads. PF totally gone now. Added a bit of speed play into the workouts.
weight - gained 2 #; new injury, tendonitis?; generally a very up & down month in weekly mileage, mental state of mind, and physically. Springtime marathon goal is in jeopardy if I encounter any more set backs.

March goals: I have to try for 100 miles - seems like a stretch! Keep intensity low except for half marathon race mid month. Long runs need to hit a 15 & a 16. DIET - need to lose winter fat...goal to drop 5 pounds by the 31st. Need to register for Vermont City, or delay marathon race to the fall season.

1 comment:

  1. ugh i need to get back on board with nutrition too. i do good for a week or two and then, i inhale 2 bags of m&m's.

    you do need to get in longer runs for a spring marathon so keep an open mind and back out if you have to. trust me, you do not want to run a marathon with little training - it hurts! your march goals sound attainable - hope they are going well and the aches are staying away.
