Sunday, February 8, 2009

Time to run

It's 4 p.m. here and I haven't done my run yet today. I've got to get out there - it's a nice warm day too!
Same thing happened yesterday, and I finally got out the door at 5 o'clock. Got the 5 miles done, 41 mins, around the neighborhood. Thorough stretch afterwards. At a minimum I must do the exact same workout today. Where has my motivation gone?

I printed out my training schedule. It's Hal Higdon's "novice 2" plan with my own modifications. The long runs look daunting. Next weekend I need to do a 13 miler. Then there's a stretch in March where I go 13-14-16 on three weeks in a row. Then there's an 18, two 20's and a shot at a half marathon PR in between the 20's (race info here). Whew, I don't know how the hell i'm going to pull this off. Those numbers look tough. Weekly totals hit 43 (three times!) and a 40, 38, and then down from there.

Got to take it one week at a time. It's not supposed to be easy. Next week 28 miles total with a 13 mile long run at easy effort. Also need to begin weight loss program this week too.

1 comment:

  1. plans can be awfully daunting when you look at the whole thing, but luckily you only have to tackle it one day, one week at a time. just keep logging your daily runs and tallying up the weekly miles. one day you'll look back and be amazed at how much you accomplished! focus on the small steps and know you can handle each of the runs.
