Monday, July 13, 2009

True Confessions

Okay, this day has finally arrived. I've been holding out a secret piece of info from you, my readers. This may be a bit embarrassing but here goes: I'm a huge SpongeBob fan.

They say the first step toward recovery is saying it out loud. So I've made it that far.

This comes up because I was reading Lindsay's post about her blister. (in addition to 18 miles on treadmill - that would be a PR for me as well ... but another confession here is that I routinely go 10 or 12 miles on the wheel. Sports Ctr and other mindless channel surfing (and people watching) at the Y help pass the time).

Anyway, back to the blister: I'm thinking how can I describe this situation in a comment back to L for her blog. Personification of an inanimate object gives human qualities to stuff around us. "The sea was angry that day" or "the couch was so wrapped its arms around me and I found i couldn't get anything done all day". Etc. I like coming up with a good juicy personification every now & again. So I'm trying to come up with something clever to say. I'm thinking: blister. sister blister. blister baby. blister buddy... BINGO. That reminds me of my friend SB. Episode 23B - February 3, 2001: "Bubble Buddy" in which SB creates his own friend...everyone else doesn't like him & deny that he really exists. Of course then silly antics ensue.

A bubble & a blister are practically the same thing, so let me suggest you name it Bubble Buddy! BTW, watch the episode. They come at Bubble Buddy with all manner of needles, pins, and other sharp objects. But Bubble Buddy is a very slippery fellow!

As I'm looking thru my SB show titles I'm seeing some other good running related topics:
Squeaky Boots - patterned after Poe's Tell Tale Heart. Is there anything worse than a pair of running shoes making an unusual noise? Haunting.
Something Smells - apparently a sea-onion sundae smells worse than Lindberger cheese. And so does that guy at last weekend's 5k race who obviously hadn't washed his shirt in a month!
Pre-Hibernation Week - Sandy gets a little nutty before hibernating. Also describes that last good week of mileage before 'insert excuse here' happened.
Krusty Love - unsuccessful snot rocket which unbeknownst to you has dried onto your face/shirt.
No Weenies Allowed - Nike's Women's Marathon.
Survival of the Idiots - this was me in the last miles of my marathon.
The Great Snail Race - some of these are just too easy.

These really are the titles from SB episodes! How much fun? Mostly I'm procrastinating from getting out there for my run today. Why? Don't know. I farted away the morning, then got busy but told myself I'd make time this afternoon. Now been sitting here for like 2 hours reading blogs and trying to come up with a funny entry for today. I must end this and finally get out there for my run! Ugh, very much like my hero SpongeBob I am an expert at killing lots of time with very little to show for it. That fact has never bothered me near as much as it does my wife, my boss, etc.,etc.


  1. haha. wow! i would have never guessed. :) at least there are MUCH worse things to be into, a kids cartoon is harmless, whew!

    thanks for the blister idea. so hard to choose, blister...fiance...blister...fiance... i would love to slice it off but i'm afraid it has replaced my pinky toe!

  2. image of you plucking petals from a daisy: blister...fiance...blister...fiance.

    Glad to have a virtual friend as silly as me.
