Saturday, May 2, 2009

5:30a.m. for 10+10 (1st @ 8:45; 2nd @ 8)

Ever notice how much number's work is involved with running & racing? And we have computers to do most of the math for us. Think about those oldsters ... they must've been using slide rules & such.

Anyway, I'm figuring the timeline for tomorrow... damn it's got to be an early one. Feeling some minor issues, but have to follow thru with this last 20 miler. Trying to find a car pool so that I have someone to bring a few supplies up to the start (via subway) so that I can re-supply at my half way point. The bag check at this race is very well organized - 20,000 runners and I've never had any issues.
Weather is forecast to be 50-55 degrees and off & on rain / mist / high humidity. Should be sloshy wet blistering fun . . .

1 comment:

  1. good luck today! (if the race has even started yet? heard it was being delayed and such) nice job on the 20 miler - 8:00 for the last half is terrific!
