Sunday, May 31, 2009

2 EZ yesterday; taking today off

Saturday - 2 miles @ 8:30 pace. nice day weather wise. Lots of standing around & chatting with people in teh park at our water/snack table. I was a bit surprised at how many people wear headphones listening to music while running. Tons of folks went by and couldn't hear us saying "free water stop" Soft pretzels & bagels too.
Generally this seemed to me that it ended up more of a social for us, but we were doing a community service too. One small step for raising public awareness of our running club. Maybe we might get a few new members... we'll have to wait & see.

My legs feel dead - I'm pretty sure that's normal at this point after a marathon. Feet ache, but that could be equal amounts of standing around for a few hours. I'm taking today off (Sunday) and hope to start back into running this week.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like they had their music turned up a little too loud. maybe next time you could tape a sign with your club name/logo and advertising the free water? hope it was a successful pr/community service day :)

    hope the legs are feeling better and more recovered everyday!
