Friday, May 29, 2009

next Wednesday - Standing Group Run

Did 2 miles easy yestday on tread. Legs really not that feeling so bad, but took it very easy just in case. Nice stretch (which felt good) and then i hit the upper body weight machines for the first time in 3 mos! Took it very easy since this might be a shock to the muscles.

Here's a link about NATIONAL RUNNING Day which is next Wed:
Our club will be out running - but we have a standing group run on Wed. evenings (get it, standing group run?). {Duh, bad, i know.}
Tomorrow we have a community service day at the same park (DelCastle). Pike Creek will be giving out water and talking to 'whoever' about running and our club. I'm scheduled to be there in the a.m...stop by if you can!

Trying to begin diet. For real this time.

Fall marathons, which one to choose?

1 comment:

  1. which ones are you looking at?

    easy and slow is good! don't push it too soon, you have plenty of time :) gotta recover first before you can rebuild. (it's hard, i know)
