Saturday, January 24, 2009

C.R. specific 9 mile

Today is my B-day! Did nothing all day except stuff I wanted to ... and that included a long run this morning.
I did a 9 mile run, which was to be LSD but I couldn't make myself slow down. I thought i would do 9x9 for 1:21 total time. I was pretty excited to be out there on the Caesar Rodney course. By the time I finished I had averaged about 8:10 per mile. Much faster than planned. Never felt tired until final hill climb.
It was cold & a bit breezy. I started from Rodney Sq. and along first mile but turned to find the 5 mile marker. I miscalculated and even though it was half downhill running my first split was 9:52. So I'm taking 2 mins off for an extra quarter mile. The rest of the run was exactly over the course so that my mile 2 = CR 6, my 3 = 7, etc. The slowest split was over mile 8, which I should check my previous times but I think I remember that one always being slowest (most elevation gained here or in #9). The last hill didn't feel too bad.
I didn't have time to stretch. I know that's bad for my PF situation. I can feel my legs will be sore tomorrow. I plan to take a rest day, maybe I'll warm up and just stretch.

1 comment:

  1. nice job on the 9 miler going faster than anticipated. i've always wanted to train on a course to get a feel for it before the race but never had a chance. hope the pf doesn't flare up and you are able to stretch it out tomorrow.
