Thursday, January 29, 2009

Irrational Exuberance

On the way to the Y i was listening to this:
If the sun
refuse to shine,
I don't mind. If all the hippies
cut off their hair,
I don't care...I don't care... I'm gonna let my freak flag fly!

Which got me waayyyy too psyched up for my workout. I was supposed to do 45-60 mins of cross train'g (BORING) but instead did a hot lil treadmill progression run: 8:30 - 8 - 7:30 - 7 - then 2 mins rest @ 8:30 pace followed by a half mile in 3:15 and then a few mins cool down. Total 5 miles. I had eaten some cheesey crackers about an hour before the running began and I wasn't feeling too good in the middle, but that went away the faster I got going.

Good stretch, then hit the weights. Then I started to knot feel to good about deviation from scheduled workout. I'm my own worst enemy with this sort-of behavior. Got's to do better. Cut out the end of my weight routine; just lost all my energy the more I was thinking about sticking to the regime.

1 comment:

  1. nice job on the progression run, especially since it was supposed to be an xt day! i have to constantly remind myself "every training day has it's purpose" so i don't overdo it too many days in a row.
