Monday, January 19, 2009

Ketchup N Camping

Ok, trying to catch up with blog entries. I can't sleep and there's 175 channels of crap on the tube. So in reverse order... here we go:

Saturday began with a horrible night's sleep since that's the standard drill for these things. Bacon & eggs & pancakes - which I would normally never eat that type of stuff at 7:30 a.m. but the boys had already been successful in lowering my resistance. Then outside where the temp was about 3 degrees Fahrenheit. No kiddin, really friggin freezin cold. Think witch's teat in a brass bra level of cold. All the dudes with Volvo's, Beamers & Mercedes were going out to their cars to check the on-board thermometers. Ugh. Anyway, as the day progressed the temp came up to something like 25 F and there was no wind that I could tell (may be the woods). Had a good day. Hiked a bit - hadn't worn my hiking boots since last summer? Here's a pic: that's us on the hanging bridge over the frozen creek. The boards all creaked & groaned as we climbed & crossed this contraption. I'm sure it was perfectly safe but the boys got a kick out of thinking that the thing might collapse onto the ice at any moment.

Friday nite my younger son & I went on a camping trip with the Cub Scouts. It was just far enough outside of the city to really feel like we had left it behind. Pretty damn cold for a camping trip.

Thursday I had a very busy day and didn't get home until like 7:30 which is entirely too late. No exercise, but a pretty decent day otherwise.

Wednesday I had time for the Y and a lil cross traing session. I really felt like a run, but forced myself not to do that because I'd run the last two workouts in a row and I really have to contain my enthusiasm so as to not re-injure myself. 40 mins of lite cardio, most of that on the stationary bike. Then I did a good stretch - did I mention that rest & STRETCHING get the credit for my speedy recovery. Cross training is really just filling up time while burning a few calories. It cannot begin to provide the fitness improvement effects of running. And swimming is just something I don't seem to get. (yes, after a gland total of one (1) swim workout I have given up on that as a viable xtraing method - mostly the calf cramps to blame. see entry 1/7/09 here). I hit the weights for a moderate effort. Then proceeded home to eat wayyy too much for lunch. No wonder I can never seem to lose those final extra 10 pounds.


  1. Forgot to mention that my PF recovery may also owe much to NEW SHOES. I have completely given up on Asics. I was unhappy with the last several pairs. This caused me to occasionally run in some old shoes which I know is bad. Also I tend to put off purchases generally. So this created a situation where I had uncomfortable, defective, crappy, rip-off Asics. Yet i didn't immediately purchase something different because I can't afford to just throw away $100 pair of shoes & move on to something new (another $100).
    I'm now running in Brooks Ghost. I've already ordered a second pair. They feel so much better. I could go on a long rant about the shoe companies and Asics in particular but the point I signed back in to make is that New Shoes have helped my PF problem.

  2. Hi! Thanks for the blog comment. Hope you're not too injured. Don't forget the ice for speedy recovery too. Now that I've said that, I'm going to go put some on my knee...

  3. glad the pf is feeling better. i know what you mean about cross-training calorie burn vs. running. i'm not too good at cross-training 'cause i'd just rather run and burn cals more effectively.
